Pronunciamento do Observatório da Intervenção e da Conectas no Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU

7 Sep 2018 – General Debate under Agenda Item:4 – Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention – 18th Plenary Meeting – 39th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council

Em 17/09/2018, foi lida por Pablo Nunes a declaração oral conjunta Conectas e Observatório, durante a 39ª Sessão Regular do  Conselho de Direitos Humanos da ONU. O pronunciamento aponta violações de direitos humanos no contexto da intervenção federal na segurança pública do Rio de Janeiro e a falta de esclarecimento do assassinato de Marielle Franco e Anderson Gomes.

O Brasil pediu direito de resposta e, no final da sessão, a embaixadora leu declaração defendendo a iniciativa do governo federal brasileiro.

Além da Conectas e do Observatório, integram a comitiva as ONGs Anistia Internacional, Justiça Global e Redes da Maré, e a arquiteta Mônica Benício, viúva de Marielle Franco, que denunciará a demora nas investigações, passados seis meses do crime. A vereadora foi assassinada em 14 de março, junto com o motorista Anderson Gomes, no centro do Rio.

Ouça a declaração:

7 Sep 2018 – General Debate under Agenda Item:4 – Human rights situations that require the Council’s attention – 18th Plenary Meeting – 39th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council

Mr. President,

We would like to bring this Council’s attention to human rights violations in the context of the federal intervention on Rio de Janeiro’s public security. In seven months, violent crimes have not been reduced and confrontations between criminal organizations and the police have increased. Over 916 people have been killed by security forces in Rio de Janeiro, an increase of 49% when compared to the same period last year.

Brazil has been increasing the use of the military for public security and law and order operations. In the past ten years, 44 decrees authorizing the use of the military forces on public security operations were issued. The result has often been an increase in human rights violations.

On March 14, human rights defender and city councillor Marielle Franco and her driver were shot dead. Up to this date, the crime remains unsolved and the authorities have failed to identify who killed Marielle Franco and why.

Mr. President,

We urge the Brazilian government refrain from using the military for public security operations and to implement more efficient public security policies based on intelligence, prevention, and reviewing this model based on the so called war on drugs. We also urge the government to give us an answer about who killed Marielle Franco?

I thank you.

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